Originally Posted by nickynicole
I think there could be some socialization going along with it. I've notice as soon as some people (especially college students) look at beer, they start acting like idiots. I think this is because beer can be a good excuse to act like an idiot, and why wait for it to actually start working when you can pretend and have just as much fun?
You're clever.
Yes, wine is a social aphrodisiac. Of course the alcohol can mute inhibitions, but the reality is that sexuality's assiciation with wine deals with the social viewing of wine; romantic, seductive, sophisticated. Wine is a quintessential romantic tool.
Beer is the same thing, except it represents something a bit different. It does share the loss of inhabition, but it represents the "party" side of most people. This is the side that wears the lampshade on the head and spews profanities at parked police cars. Beer is a relatively inexpensive way to get drunk.