If you are looking for city experience, definately visit Hong Kong. It is a one of kind place like Paris, London and New York City...
You should also make the trip to Thailand... the beaches are amazing (and they need the tourist dollars).
Cambodia... still relatively off the toursit map but Angkor Wat is stunning...
Malaysia... Kuala Lumpur is a bustling city that often gets overlooked... There are also some very nice "National Parks" that have great hiking and camping trails... They also have some very nice beaches... You can also pop over to Singapore relatively easy... Singapore can get pricey though.
Indonesia has some of the most beautiful countryside... and Bali is amazing... Stay away from the big cities like Jakarta... great nightlife put just too crowded and chaotic...
I also hear good things about Vietnam but have never been.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke