Originally Posted by Seaver
While in the Navy ROTC program we had an officer in the program for the Rail Gun, added to that here at UT we have a working Rail gun which is used for research.
The Rail Gun is currently being tested by the Navy. Yes, they use Tungsten, it's about 8-12" long, basically a tungsten rod with a pointed end and little fins that are intended to pop out after firing.
Anyways the Navy fired one into the desert a couple miles away, onto a concrete target on the ground. I cant say how successful, it's classified, but let me tell you it puts 155mm howitzer to shame.... and it's just metal, no explosives.
And with the new power supply they are supposed to be working on for the new DDX class Destroyers, they will have all the energy they need. From what I hear, these things are going to be SICK. Now what I REALLY want to see, is a supercavitating version of the sucker for sub hunting. We've already broken the sound barrier underwater with supercavitaion. Can you imagine what a mach 2+ round would do to a sub. Gives me shivers just to think about it.