Originally Posted by drakers
Thanks for responding, I think your a great example to show how homosexuality can not transform some kid into a homosexual from being exposed to the lifestyle around them. Give me a break, it is such a dumb argument and no solid facts that say exposing your children to gay parents or people that it harms or turns any of them gay. I can respect the parents right to just not want them to be exposed to it, but our society will not get any more tolerant if parents continue thinking this way.
People do not think it is a moral thing to do, and they don't want their kids being immoral. (by immoral i mean accept these practices not turning gay)
But, forcing one side of the argument and making those who voice out against gays and such eat their words os no better. When you respect those who don't agree with you, then the tolerence can begin. You can not force one side of the argument to accept your veiws if you are not reasy and able to accept theirs.
But to get back on topic, let kids be kids and not force them to understand adult topics. When a child is ready to know about more mature things then this could be included with the parents wishes (which the parents should be teaching not the schools)