I'm sorry for your mom halx
, but I've got to disagree with you. I don't think this guy should be killed for his actions or put in an ass rape prison. i don't beleive anybody should be killed or put in an ass rape prison. I do think he needs to be seperated from society though, and rehabilitated.
Two things make people what they are, genetics and enviroment. People don't get to choose their genetics and they don't get to choose the enviroment they were brought up in. Leaving him to suffer doesn't alleiviate the suffering of others and it doesn't stop the production of troubled people in society, so why would we do it? It just sounds like bloodlust and revenge to me. I think we are how we treat others, if we leave him to suffer when we can help, I don't beleive we are any better than him.
Why is he worthy of therapy? He's worthy because he needs help. The way to stop this kind of thing from happening is through rehabilitation and through better identification of these troubled individuals. "Leaving him to his own devices" wont fix anything. The revenge and punishment system doesn't work, it has never worked, and it will never work. Maybe if we let loose the proffesionals on this guy we might find out how to help him and in turn how to help others in the future, others that may have heading towards this kind of thing. I think thats what needs to be done here.
The article said that he had problems of drug abuse before this incident. If there was a better system of rehabilitation in place he may after been helped before this incident. A restraining order is going to fix things!? come on. I dont think the drugs rehab programs we have in place are nearly sufficient.
I realize that you're now healthy, functioning human beings who are living a happy life and making the lives of people around you better. And it wouldn't be so if not for the efforts of your friends or social workers to get you on the right track. Great. A success story. Fine.
That success story could have been a guy on his way to parking his car on the tracks. I realize that no matter how good the system is there will be some that slip through the tracks, but this looks like a failure of the system to me. They knew he had drug abuse problems, they knew he had other mental problems. We need to learn how to fix these people, not punish them.
With regard to your mom, please get her to see someone about her neck. Necks are something you should take very seriously, and they tend to have a ripple effect througout the body. I had a bad neck injury and i think you should be careful. I hope she feels better soon