My friends and I were talking earlier this week about startting our own country. Maybe buying a set of islands that had a decent natural resource and who we would opne up trade with. We talked about overnmental programs that were better than the ones in use currently. One of my friends mentioned that we could simply avoid trade with the US. I had to remind him that if we had a natural resource, America would be interested in us. Even if we wanted to be economically independant of the US, we wouldn't be. We couldn't be.
Let's say we start that country. Widgitstan. We buy a large island in the East Indian Ocean. We find rich deposits of natural metals, ready to mine. The government allows private organizations from China and Japan to set up mining organizations there. We start up farming communities. Some of the larger communities grow into towns, then a few large cities. The metal industry is in the process of giving way to the technology industries, when we strike oil. Black death. Suddenly, America's being annoyed with us over not trading with them becomes rage for not sharing oil. A slew of economic hitmen (agents from America who come to bribe local officials) come into Widgetstan. The Prime Minister simply says "We are an independant nation that wants to stand on our own two feet. We desire only peace." An "expert" claims that our military (which is quite small) is developing chemical and nuclear weapons. We simply say we are not, and expect to be left alone. America tells the UN to investigate us. The weapons inspectors come in, and they see our weapons programs are negligable. The Widgetstan army only has a small airforce, some tanks, and some armored vehicles. They continue to inspect. For another 5 years, the weapons inspectors come. Every time they come we have to slow all training and r&d to alow them a tour of all facilities. Several assasination attempts fail to kill the Prime Minister, who is now asking for an investigation into the source of the assasinations. Then the US comes forward with satelite pictures of "mobile weapons platforms" that are fake. They scream that we are a threat to America and the rest of the 1st world. The UN insists that the weapons inspectors have found that a WMD program is completly impossible, and thet they will not support any military action. America gives Widgetstan 3 months to disarm. Widgetstan cannot disarm because there is nothing to disarm. On the night of the first of the fourth month American bombers destroy the capitol, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. We insist we have no weapons, and we have no way to defend ourselves from the aggressors. American propoganda blankets our pleas, saying we are trying to make America look like a bad guy. They are telling the rest of the world they are taking down our evil regime. During the ground assault on Widget City, the capitol, civilians take up arms against the American invaders who just killed hundreds of thousands of their friends, families, and countrimen. They quickly are named to be "insurgents" at best, and "terrorists" at worst. They are captured and heald indefinatally without trial at a prison on the otehr side of the planet. We are quickly linked to Osama Bin Laden, with a wonderfully weak paper trail. Widgetstan burns. They reconstruct our country. We now owe America billions upon billions of dollars for reconstruction. The only way to pay back the money is with our oil. America gets a great discount on Widgetstan's oil, and the American government is looked upon by the American public as heros who are spreading the gift of freedom to the rest of the barbaric world.
Widgetstan is now under the economic control of America. They appoint America-friendly officials. The ballot is a choice between an America-friendly doctor, and an America-friendly lawyer. Soon Widgetstan is a third world country, with America suckeling the oil away. Welcome to the American Empire. America propor gets all the resources, and America's slaves get to wither away and die.
Can anyone say that this is unlikely (besides the name of Widgetstan)?