Originally Posted by Ilow
 Are you serious with this? Shoot, MY economy is fine minus my student loans; heck, once I subtract all of my other debts I'm at 100% pure profit!
You have captured the republican economic thought process perfectly. They ignore anything on the negative side of the ledger. Bush admitted it when he said "I don't care about the deficit, I care about jobs" (which was transparently bullshit since he doesn't care about businesses outsourcing jobs to India).
I don't have much of a problem with Buchanan. I don't agree with just about anything he says, however, he's never hid what he really thinks. If he says he believes in something, you can pretty much take it to the bank that he believes in it. None of this "hide the real me" bullshit that politicans on both sides of the aisle are famous for doing.
And I'm not surprised that he finds Bush to not be conservative enough. I've talked with a number of republicans through my job who have told me the same thing. It surprised me at first, since Bush is more conservative than even Reagan was, but I've gotten accustomed to it now.