a brief review of how birth control pills work, makes for an uncomfortable dillema. Basically, birth control pills do not prevent conception, they prevent implantation. By their definition, use of birth control pills = abortion.
Try looking again how birth control PILLS work. They prevent the woman from releasing an egg.
There are many other types that prevent implantation, many of which cause horrid birth defects. I.E. the mini-razors that were intended to scrape off the lining of the uterus so the egg couldnt plant inside of it, which more often than not chopped off appendeges of the baby and ended up inside of them while still in the womb.
Personally I'm against abortion in any moderate case. Extream cases such as rape, incest, and health risk to the mother I believe should be allowed. But the whole "it's a woman's right" thing is bunk to me. If I have a 4 year old son, and I feel that he's an un-needed burden on me I cant just go to a doctor and have him "removed". Say what you want about the difference between a fetus and a 4 year old, I see them as alive and worthy of a chance. I see no difference between them outside of the difference between a 4 year old and an 8 year old.