Here is where I stand on this...
There are some people in the world for whom it can be said would make ideal parents, therefore it is logical that there are some for whom it is not a good match.
That being said, I think that all it takes is a commitment to the child to be a good parent. I have a 3 month old and sure I am scared to make mistakes. His whole future rides on how my wife and I raise him. I dont; want this kid to grow up thinking I got rotten parents that suck. I can live with it though because I willingly made the choice to have a child, I accept the reponsibility, so it is alright. I know that intime he will see that to, and so there is no reason to dwell on that.
If you want a test, call up your folks and thanks them for having you. Let them know that they did good, th best that they knew how, and that you turned out alright. It doesn't matter if you see them every day, or have no spoken to them in years, they will be humbeled. I did this a few years ago with my Mom and our relationship changed immediately, from good to great.
On having a baby....
Man, I know it is cliche, but when they first dropped him in my arms, all I felt was love. He just looked up at me and my heart melted. I really belive that parenting/raising kids is really one of those rare and special areas in life where an abundance of love can make up for most every shortcoming.... that I said that, I gotta go...there's a diaper to be changed!
"All it takes to make a difference is the courage to stop proving 'I was right' in being unable to make a difference, to stop assigning cause for my inability to the circumstances outside myself, to be willing to have been that way, and to see that the fear of being a failure is a lot less important that the unique opportunity I have to make a difference."
-Werner Erhard