not all things require money.
Really, what doesn't require money? I suppose you can still breathe air for free, but I wouldn't be surprised if that changed soon.
It also helps if you remember that a job is just a way of making money
I certainly agree with this.
and that there can be more to life than a job.
Yes, there can be, but only if you already have money. For those of us without it we are sentenced to perpetual work in order to earn money in order to get those things and engage in those activities that we want. That we seem to work a hell of a lot more than we enjoy life isn't by choice, it's because that's the system we find ourselves in. If you can direct us to a place where the ratio of work to life is skewed in the other direction, I would probably be on the first boat there.
The truth is that many of us are or will be wage slaves at jobs we don't neccessarily like...
That's absolutely right, and I just wish someone had told me that back in the day instead of lying to me and saying that I had the chance to become president or something. With such knowledge, I probably wouldn't have invested nearly so much time in trying to "make my dreams come true," I would have realized they can't happen. I wouldn't have had such dashed hopes, and I probably could have been a happier person. I fear that parents and teachers are making those same crazy statements to children today, telling them they can be anything they want, if they work hard enough, or put their minds to it. But I suppose that's part of the system the man uses to keep people down, so long as people hold out some hope there's no real chance of revolution. So long as we can win the lottery and make all our problems go away we'll continue to follow orders.
You can learn to suck the marrow out of the rest of you life or just plod home, sit in front of the tube and do it all again the next day.
Again, sucking the marrow out of life requires money, or at the very least illegal substances. I have no desire to go to jail, so I accept those trance inducing, pain numbing substances and experiences the man lets me have: Television and alcohol. It's not a very satisfying way to live, that's true, but with a lack of money my only other options carry far too great a risk of incarceration. They don't let you watch the porn channels or drink in prison (I know it sometimes goes on, but it's hard to get, the selection isn't great, and you risk being ass-raped) so I will make do with what I've been given.
Hey, if you're a smart, attractive, popular, successful, rich person, I don't begrudge you that. Enjoy life, you can certainly afford to. Just please don't try to convince me that I can have that life too in order to prevent me from becoming a criminal, or refusing to show up for work. You don't need to worry about me, I will follow your laws and rules, I'm not going to make waves or try to change things. You have beaten me, and I relent. Just please don't take away my liquor and porn.
And even if you do I don't suppose there's anything I would do about it. I guess I would choose the next set of things and activities that provide some comfort that are still legal: NyQuil and Cinemax After Dark.