The rumor on the radio around here is Moss to the Skins for LaVar Arrington and a 2nd round pick. Personally, I could give a crap about either team, I just have a personal dislike for Moss. You can't argue with what he can bring to your team, but as everyone including Moss has said, WHEN HE WANTS TO. That kind of attitude is simply unsatisfactory in the ultimate teams sport of football. The Vikings owner and coaches have allowed Moss to develop into the cancer he is today, by looking at his stats instead of his off-field antics and attitude. About a week ago, ESPN radio was asking, "Who would you rather have play for you, TO or Moss?" NO QUESTION. Terrell Owens. Both are showboats, both are immensely talented, but with TO you at least know he's giving 100%. Hell, he's trying to play in the Super Bowl with an injury. Moss? He takes downs off, whines when the team isn't sticking to the "Randy Ratio" and tries to run over lady meter maids with his car.
Whoever is stupid enough to trade away draft picks for Moss deserves him.