My sister gets that a lot, she's 16, but has been passing for a 20 year-old since her 14th birthday.
Part of it is all the steroids, hormones and perservatives in foods now, which has already been pointed out, but a big part is society itself.
Not only are girls dressing way more reavealingly, but also, look at the music, like J-Kwon's "Tipsy". My sister and her friends go partying downtown at very upper-class bars and clubs every weekend, and just get in, drink a bottle of Vodka each, and smoke up. When I was her age, which was only 5 years ago, I'd only drank wine during ceremonial events, I'd never seen or smelled weed, and there's no way in hell I would've gotten into those clubs.
There comes a point in time when everyone has to take responsability.