Originally Posted by drakers
Ranger Dick.....Minimum wage should be abolished, playing with the laws of supply/demand is a bad idea.
Let me pose this question.... if anyone agrees that minimum wage should be raised to 8.50/hour, why shouldn't it be raised to $20, or 50$? Would such an increase have a negative effect on businesses? If so, why?
Originally Posted by drakers
Raising it to $20 or $50 is just completely unreasonable. The bigger reason why their is min. wage is so that employers just can't impose their will on what they want to pay someone. Say a black person comes in with little eduation and wants a job and also a white person who is going to college, and this employer decides to lay his own judgements on these people. He decides the black person gets $3/hr because he has little education and the college kid gets $6/hr because he has a better education. Even though this is at a local convience store which does not require any education. There has to be a min. wage so employers can't take advantage of people.
Are you talking about racial discrimination in hiring practices? That's a whole different ball of wax and has nothing to do with the argument for or against minimum wage.
Economically, why is raising the minimum wage to $20 or $50 "totally unreasonable"? If you can coherently answer that question, you can apply the same argument (albeit to a lesser degree) against raising minimum wage at all, even to $8.50.