Originally Posted by Yakk
Unlike you, I value the planet Earth mainly so far as it provides as spring board for intelligence to spread over the universe. If every tree died, that would suck, but trees are just trees.
That is assuming that humans are the only intelligent life in the universe, which I extremely doubt. And we are still a long way from even making it to Mars, much less spreading throughout our own galaxy, and even doing that would be a piece of cake compared to spreading to other galaxies. I believe a close comparison of the difference in diffuculty would be roughly the same, as jumping two feet forward, compared to, say, jumping straight up and landing on a planet at the opposite end of our galaxy in about 2 hours.
And your also assuming that intellegence is somehow "special", I doubt that our so called "intelligence" will have any impact on the universe at large, nor would any other single species, the universe is just too big. We will eventually die out, just like all the other life forms on earth and, eventually, no one will ever have any idea that we ever existed. Because even if we do find or are found by other intelligent life, those species will die out eventually also and all memory of us shall be forgotten. Kinda depressing, isn't it?