I knew I'd forget somebody. I met Vincent Price over 20 years ago when he was a visiting lecturer at my university. At the lecture, he told the most marvelous story about "House of Wax," and I still chuckle when I think about it.
--- for those who haven't seen "House of Wax," it's a story about a guy (Vincent Price) who rebuilds a burned-down wax museum by kidnapping people and dipping them into a vat of hot wax and using them as the display figures. At the end, Price meets his fate and makes the obligatory fall into his own vat of hot wax while still ALIVE---
One evening in NYC, he walked past a retrospective theater that was showing "House of Wax" and he decided to go in and watch. He figured it had been years since he'd seen it on the big screen, and thought it would be fun. So, he bought his ticket and slipped quietly into his seat after the movie had already started.
Vincent Price said that as he watched the film, it became obvious that the two young girls sitting directly in front of him had never seen the movie before. He delighted in watching their reactions throughout the film (screams, jumps, breathless questions back and forth, etc.). Then, as the movie ended and the credits began to roll, one of the girls turned to the other and asked, "Do you think he's really dead?"
Of course, you KNOW what he did. He leaned forward, grabbed each girl by the shoulder, and said, "DON'T COUNT ON IT, BWAH HA HA HA HA HA!"
I would love to have seen that.
Living is easy with eyes closed.
Last edited by warrrreagl; 01-27-2005 at 06:05 AM..