i'm against it as well. and yes, i smoke.
it doesn't make me any less productive at work--my breaks are scheduled (as are those of non-smokers). as for sick days, hrm...i've not had one in a couple of years. then again, our "sick" days are the same as vacation days. you only get so many and then you're out the door. i've been working on the same floor of the same hospital for four years, we've had several people fired for taking too many days off work but none of them were smokers (or if they did smoke, it was never at work). statistically, workers may indeed take more sick days. then again, statistically, workers with children take more sick days too. and since they have as much choice about being a parent as i do in choosing to smoke...
i know of several local places that don't let employees smoke on the premises--not even in their cars. and i'm fine with that. if my hospital instituted a no-smoking policy, i'd find another job or quit smoking. but even if i were a non-smoker, i would never work for an employer who wanted to restrict what legal activities i could and could not do on my own time.
i have long accepted the fact that some people will assume the worst of me because i smoke. these same people will also assume the worst of someone who is overweight. these people are assholes, plain and simple. anyone who doesn't meet their standards is inferior and they have no probs treating them as such.
i enjoy smoking, i have zero desire to give it up. but i don't force my habit on anyone else. in public, i go to designated smoking areas when i light up. i don't throw my butts on the ground or out the car window. i don't blow smoke in anyone's face--smokers or non-smokers because believe it or not, smokers find that offensive too! i don't smoke in cars with non-smokers and i don't smoke in the homes of non-smokers. i may have a habit you don't like, but it doesn't mean i have to be rude about it.