Originally Posted by Dyze
Astonishing how much knowledge there is in the... hm... knowledge section. Until today I (like most people) thought that the internet was something that the army used first and opened to private use (like GPS). Could you imagine a world without the internet? That'd be weird... All those people actually buying porn and music.
Thanks for the info though!
Actually, you are right. The Internet was originally a Department of Defense project. Here's a brief timeline that I constructed a few years ago for my Highschool senior project. This was actually on a slide, so it's brief. My paper goes much more indepth, and doesn't actually focus on the history of the Internet, but more of its transition and what I expect for the future.
1969 – US Department of Defense starts ARPANET (US Advanced Research Projects Agency)
1973 – ARPANET globalizes the internet
1982 – TCP/IP (Transaction Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).
1986 - Most Universities are connected to NSFNET (Nat. Science Foundation Network)
1989 – Ohio State University connects CompuServe and Universities
1992 – CERN creates World Wide Web and Graphical Web Browsers