1. What do "In God We Trust" and "God Bless America" mean to you (especially if you aren't Christian).
I am a christian but I'll answer anyway. In God We Trust is a statement of the kind of beliefs the founders of this country held. Take it off the money, leave it on, I don't care either way. God Bless America is a short prayer full of good intentions. When it's twisted into a catch phrase it becomes a mockery.
2. Does the presence of God in US rhetoric represent a melding of religion and state?
No. The constitution says there should be no official state religion. Just mentioning God in a speech doesn't specify what these guys consider gods or which god they're talking about or imply that to be a good american you must follow their god. It reduces 'god' to catch phrase status. This, too, shall pass.
If puns were sausages, this would be the wurst.