Originally Posted by Manx
To compensate and ensure the car travels along a straight line, you must counter the drift by steering in the opposite direction of the drift.
Exactly. And this means that in order for your car to stay on the road, it has to be permanently damaged. As soon as the underlying problem fixes itself, you careen off the road, because you're compensating for something that is no longer there.
So AA requires racism in order to stay "on the road", or in order to keep the level playing field.
As long as AA exists, then racists are justified in saying, "Racism is fine, because it balances all those discriminatory AA programs. We need a level playing field, and as long as AA is in force, there won't be one unless racism balances the programs." It's a vicious cycle, with racists on one side of the fence justifying themselves by accusing the racists on the other side of the fence. Back and forth, over and over.
So your car's steering mechanism continues to go ever more haywire, so that eventually you're steering off at a 90 degree angle to compensate.
And you have an institutionally racist society, inside and out, where the idea that racism is good to counter racism is practically inborn.
How long can you trust a government like that? A government that keeps close tabs on the race and ethnicity of all its workers? How long before someone decides that one race (e.g. Jews) have so much unfair advantage that they deserve to lose some of their constitutional rights in order to "compensate" for the damaged steering mechanism of that metaphorical car?
I completely understand your argument, but I think this is a dangerous road you're going down.