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Old 01-26-2005, 04:53 PM   #75 (permalink)
C4 Diesel
Location: Troy, NY
Originally Posted by bing bing
To not cheat is to fight many thousands of years of evolutionary progress.

To quote Dawkin's "Persons are designed to engage in behaviors that ultimately make for the replication of the genes that determine their design". For men, that equates to a disposition of promiscuity. Not that I’m saying it's necessarily a bad thing from an evolutionary perspective. Cheating makes you nothing more than human.
Not necessarily true my friend... As I said in the topic "Virginity is a lie created to suppress female sexuality"...

"I not long ago was in a class discussing ecology, particularly sexual selection. You will notice that in species where the male has no obligation to rear the children and merely donates his sperm and leaves, the female will ALWAYS decide her partner(s) while the male will try to have intercouse with about all but the least fit females. There are animal societies (most notable a few species of birds) where this is reversed. In these cases the male is the selective one and the women are much less selective. Also, in situations of shared responsibility, both partners are choosy (note this is the case in humans). You can also see the difference in testes size and harems in primates. Species with large harem sizes and more promiscuous males have evolved larger testes so they deliver more sperm and incerase the likelihood of impregnating the female. In these species the males have less of a role in child care and are less sexually selective than the females.

Evolution via natural selection has determined that humans do best under conditions of shared child responsibility, hence why we have relatively small testes, small "harem sizes", and both partners are sexually selective. Thus it is instinctual for us to have only one partner, which is a large reason why there is such a hesitation for individuals to become more permiscuous.

Sentience has brought about higher thought, however. Especially since the development of reliable "safe sex" techniques, humans have increasingly overcome the instinct, replaced it with rational thought, and are now capable of deciding for themselves if and under what conditions they care to accept the responsibilities of having sex, and even how much of the risk they wish to take (how protected they wish to be or how "safe" they wish the sex to be).

Therefore, from a biological standpoint, there is no reason to be abstinant nor is there a reason to be permiscuous. It all comes down to the will of the individual."

Just thought it would be appropriate here as well.
C4 to your door, no beef no more...
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