Originally Posted by Bodyhammer86
Yakk, we've had control of that base ever since 1898 and our government pays rent to Cuba to keep that base under US ownership, so technically, it is there at the free will of current Cuban government.
And if Cuba said 'leave now', what would happen?
Since coming to power, Fidel Castro has only cashed one rent check, while steadfastly refusing to cash the others because he views the base as illegitimate. Although diplomatic relations do not exist between the U.S. and Communist Cuba, the U.S. has agreed to return fugitives from Cuban law to Cuban authorities and Cuba agreed to return fugitives from U.S. law, for offenses committed in Guantánamo Bay, to U.S. authorities.
The rent payments that the US 'pays' are being refused by the government of Cuba. They don't want the U.S. and the U.S. military there, on Cuban soil.
Like I said, it is just an easy counterexample. Are most US military bases welcomed by the hosting government? I'd say yes. But, that has been true of pretty much every colonial power in the history of the world.