Originally Posted by Lebell
You're blaming Bush for all this??
Seems to me you should be blaming the people who are sniping at voters, blowing up polling places and threatening the candidates.
Yes, I blame Bush as well. Who started this war? For what reason? WMD's? Oil for food? Liberation? What excuse will it be next week? This election is nothing more than a show. When it all blows up in Dubya's face, which it will, because this "vote" won't represent the people at all. It will only fuel the resistance.
I give the Iraqi "president" a week before he's assininated. What are they gonna do? Are they gonig to send US secret service agents over there to protect him? The Iraqi's don't even want to police themselves. Oh, I forgot, Condi says that there are 40,000 of them ready and willing to fight. My mistake.