an important thing to know about probiotics (acidophilus and the like). If you are frequently taking antibiotics, they kill all bacteria in your body, esp in the intestines and a certain amount of good bacteria is necc. Supplimentation of beneficial bacteria can be obtained by taking probiotics, not all brands require refridgeration. Also, be sure to take the probiotics at least two hours after the antibiotics, so they don't get killed off by the presciption and rendered useless. Regular use of probiotics in women who tend to get yeast infections can really help. If it doesn't, consult with a health care professional (my preference is the natural kind: ND's, homeopathic doctors, herbalists) Good luck, Ladies!
Believe nothing, even if I tell it to you, unless it meets with your own good common sense and experience. - Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha)