It looks like Apple has already lowered the prices of the Mac Mini upgrades.....
Slashdot Article
Posted by timothy on Wednesday January 26, @10:55AM
from the mac-mini-eats-lunch-film-at-11 dept.
RustNeverSleeps writes "Apple has just lowered prices on certain build-to-order options on the Mac mini. The combination Bluetooth and Airport Express option has gone down to $99 from $129, 1 GB RAM upgrades have been reduced to $325 from $475 and the price of an upgrade from a 40 GB hard drive to an 80 GB hard drive has been reduced to $50 from $90. Also, the original 4x Superdrive has been upgraded to an 8x drive for the same price. Interesting that they dropped prices so soon after release. Perhaps Apple actually listened to people complaining about overpriced upgrades.