Mike Williams will be a steal for anyone who gets him. I have seen him play in person and he is one of those guys who make everyone else on the field look like they are playing a different game. He is world class.
That being said - most WRs don't pan out until 2-3 years into the league. Don't expect him to light it up right away. The NFL is still full of guys at the top of their game as well.
As for the others? I am always a fan of building your lines and everything else will fall into place from there. The 'Skins are somewhere around 10 -11 or so I think. Unless a Williams falls to them, I say they go with the best lineman they have at that point.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.