It isn't enough that the conservative media is out there in force prettying up any initiative that the current administration puts forth, now they have to hire people to espouse the values of their programs. I have never given much credence to the diatribes of right-wing media personalities, but I was under the, apparently naive, impression that the views they were spouting were their own legimately held viewpoints. I wouldn't have any problem with a journalist or anyone else voicing their opinion in whatever format is available to them. But to be paid to support a particular viewpoint. That is a conflict of interest at the very least!
I predict a backlash against this type of abuse of the press. Every journalistic story on any political topic now must be called into question as to whether the views in the article are those freely held by the author, or those they are paid to support by some outside party. This is a very dangerous trend where journalism and advertising are mixed. It isn't a far stretch from paying journalists to write a piece in support of a particular program to paying journalists to suppress or create facts from thin air.