Originally Posted by Paradise Lost
Also, I think that many people use the Founding Fathers as references because of the grand status they have received over the years, mainly through crappy history textbooks, lack of knowledge, etc... Now, while they did help to shape our country, as said earlier, by others, the use of their own morals and actions should be left out of most of today's issues - simply because of the dramatic difference between their's and our's..
I agree that there is a big difference in our world today and theirs. I'm no lawyer but don't a lot of constitutional questions brought up in the courts today get argued by both sides as to what the author's intents were? For example aren't folks on both sides of the gun control issue trying to interpret what the authors of the the second amendment really meant to justify their position. Isn't it logical to try and discern what the writers had in mind by quoting some of their sayings and deeds at the time they wrote it? Then if we believe the amendment no longer suits our modern society we have to amend the constitution (Bill of Rights) to change it.