Originally Posted by drakers
The whole point of AA is that it is trying to help minorities who are decent students or above average to try to go to college; minorities statistically live in poorer neighborhoods and make much less money. AA helps give these kids a chance that they probably wouldn't have had if they had not done well in school. It doesn't let stupid kids in, you have to have decent grades to get in college, but if AA wasn't their these kids probably who should go to college probably wouldn't because they can't afford it. So it all depends on how you look at it. AA gives less unfortunate kids a chance at a life that they probably wouldn't have had otherwise and continue their family's cycle of poverty. Also for you people who think this just pertains to minorities your wrong it also pertains to women too, who are also undercut in the working world for being who they are, women.
sheesh, thank you drakers, I totally spaced that factoid.
The largest group of beneficiaries of affirmative action programs are upwardly mobile, white women.
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