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Old 01-25-2005, 05:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
[JAVA] java.lang.NullPointerException

Ok guys, i've got some new code ready for ya...

	at restaurant1model.ProductCatalog.getSpecification(
	at restaurant1model.Register.enterItem(
	at restaurant1view.Program1.main(
	public ProductSpecification getSpecification(String itemCode)
		ProductSpecification item = null;
		boolean foundFlag = false;
		for (int i = 0; i < productSpecifications.length && !foundFlag; i++)				//for (int i = 0;!(i >= productSpecifications.length || foundFlag);	i++)		
			if (itemCode.equals(productSpecifications[i].getItemId()))
				item = productSpecifications[i];
				foundFlag = true;
		return item;
	public boolean enterItem(String upc, int quantity)
		boolean flag = false;
		if (sale == null || sale.isComplete())
			sale = new Sale();
		ProductSpecification productionSpecification;
		productionSpecification =
			(ProductSpecification) productCatalog.getSpecification(upc);
		if (productionSpecification != null)
			flag = sale.makeLineItem(productionSpecification, quantity);
			flag = false;
		return flag;
case 1 : // Event 1 - Enter Item
		boolean doSaleAgain;
		int tableNumber = Program1.readInt("Enter Table Number");
		String itemCode = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Item Code", "X00");
		int quantity = Program1.readInt("Enter Quantity");
		register.enterItem(itemCode, quantity);
		doSaleAgain =
		readBoolean("Do you wish to enter another item?");
	while (doSaleAgain);
	doAgain = true;
The bottom three snippets are all assosciated with their respective parts of the original error message (top). Let me know what you want to know and I will do my best to answer.

Thank you all very much!!

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