Originally posted by strange
If at all possible please give a spoiler free review since I won't be seeing it until this weekend. Thanks.
Only took 9 posts for someone to post a spoiler in this thread....I think that's a TFP record
Well, now that that's done....
Alright. I'll bite. I'll usher in the big discussion. Is the architect telling the truth at the end? Or is it the other possibility...is Zion and the "real" world simply another Matrix? What are your thoughts on this? Personally, I'm going with it being another Matrix. A couple reasons: 1) How can Agent Smith survive in the "real" world? He's a program. Reprogramming himself into a human program is one thing - binding himself to a human brain is quite another...or maybe not *shrug*. 2) How does the Oracle know about the dreams Neo is having in the "real" world? 3) How did Neo stop the Sentinals at the end? This is what finalized my opinion. Please precede any discussion of this with some sort of VERY obvious spoiler tag.