Originally Posted by Boo Radley
Never understood the whole thing you yanks have against France.. Never expect i will ..
to add my 2cents to a few of the topics
If this is humour it is only one step removed from Racist slurs which this board seem to thankfully be free from.
But by you're logic Noob we should support jokes against blacks or 'the darkies', or perhaps a word starting with N, after all not doing so would be us going against a double standard.
As for france selling weapons, who cares. The USA is no doubt the largest gun dealer on the block and it's been documented to train/fund rebels/insurgents the world over.
As for those who do find this funny..
Please take care not to choke on your freedom fries.
I agree with Boo Radley
France is France, the US is the US, they'll always heckle eachother about whos better... etc. Big egos= ignorance (formally called racism). I've been to both, every country has people who are idiots, along with people who are not. WHO CARES, its just jokes, every nation has jokes about them. I'm canadian there are more than enough about us.