Originally Posted by pinion
I think she was stating a preference and that her statement has little to do with what society considers masculine or expects from a man. It doesn't mean that you AREN'T a man if you were naturally born without a lot of hair. I never said that. I have a problem with society attempting to shame men in cutting all the hair off their bodies.
I probably have less body hair than a lot of women but wouldn't hesitate to use a sawzall on the spaghetti sauce if it was warranted, nor would I hesitate to go make my own spaghetti sauce if I felt like it. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate your stereotypes?
Body hair != masculine.
No - but the new found intolerance for male body hair = stupid. Fact: men are hairy - more hairy than women. It is one of the characteristics that make us MEN!
For how many decades have women been told in their magazines that they aren't good enough unless they buy this, weigh this amount, have these kinds of shoes - all with the intent of wrecking self-esteem and selling products.
Having exhausted all methods of scrutinizing the female gender, the male gender is now subject to ridiculous and unrealistic physical expectations. Every male model is hairless (in the fashion mags), every one has a perfect hairline, perfect pecs, perfect lats, etc. How is this unrealistic body image any different that what women have been fighting for years? And why are we (men AND women) falling into the trap?
I was not speaking to
countingsheep's opinion on hair. Rather, I was speaking on the societal evolution that is occurring, where men are now being targetted by commercialism and being told they aren't good enough just the way they are.