Originally Posted by Rangsk
I skimmed the article, and I think it's a bit misleading (those CNN reporters do love mangle science). I believe what is happening is they are shining light at a vapor, and then there is some kind of quantum mechanics phenomina is happening that causes the vapor to create light at the other end, but it takes less time than it would take light to travel that distance. Other things, such as quantum entanglement, have already shown that information can be *instantly* transmitted between two non-touching particals, though, so I don't see this as any kind of major breakthrough.
Rangsk, I think you are right. I read up on that and what was happening was an effect of entanglement (I believe, and so does my AP Physics professor). If relativity is hard for anyone, QM gets really weird. People in my classes have "infinite improbability machine" written everywhere when it comes to entanglement.