Right now, I work out 4 days a week. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I'd go on weekends but my work schedule doesn't match up with the gym's hours very well. I'm looking for a swimming pool that's open on Saturday evenings so that I could maybe get a half hour or so of extra cardio in each week. I've been meaning to shake up my routines, but right now they look like this :
Monday - Legs & Abs
Warm up Cardio - Rowing Machine 10 mins
Barbell Squats
Side Bends
Dumbell Lunges
Leg Press Machine, 4 sets with varying foot positions
Reverse Crunches
Ex Ball Crunches
Tuesday - Chest & Back
Warm up Cardio - Bike 10 mins
Barbell Bench Press
Pectoral Flye
Dumbbell Row
Chin Ups
Smith Machine Bench Press
Thursday - Biceps & Triceps
Warm up Cardio - Treadmill or Bike 10 mins
Barbell Curls, 21's (7 reps on the lower half, then 7 of the upper, then 7 of the whole movement)
Decline bench skullcrusher
Dumbell Preacher Curls
Reverse Grip Cable Pressdown
Incline bench Dumbbell Curls
Zottman Curls
Friday - Legs & Shoulders
Warm Up Cardio - 10 mins of anything
Barbell Squats
Wide Grip Barbell Row
Dumbbell Front Raise
Calf Raises
Dumbell Lateral Raises
Arnold Press
This works well for me, if I can get to the pool on weekends, I'll move my shoulders off of Fridays so that they'll be in top shape for swimming. I do my chest and back on tuesday so that my biceps and triceps are fresh and have time to recover when I work them two days later.I work my legs on monday so that they aren't in pain when I have to get back to work on Wednesday. It works pretty well for me so far, but I've been doing this routine for almost 2 months, it's about time to shake it up.