I agree that it has alot to do with owners..and banning one breed of dog isn't going to solve the problem of dogs attacking.
There is always a chance of any dog..no matter how spoiled, babyed the dog may be that something in his head could just go demented and he turns, It's not very likely though. This is Ontarios quick and easy way of thinking that there solving the problem by banning pitbulls.
There's still going to be pitbull attacks along with other dog breeds attacking. The owners are the solution to the problem..banning them is not the solution. I think they are singling out the pitbull breed because of what some stupid owners do with them..But what about the owners who train these dogs to be good and not viscious.
It's like car insurance. The average working person has to pay higher insurance rates because of idiot drivers and insurance fraud.
Dogs cant tell you to fuck off your bugging me, There warning is growling at you and if you proceed to do whatever it is to piss them off, Then they are gonna snap.
about 7 years ago when i lived in London our neighbor had a huge dog, I never approached it but when i seen him he always looked to be a very well trained dog. The dog was on his leash in the backyard and one of the kids in the complex gave him a piece of food, The dog took it and dropped it at his feet..The kid then went to grab the piece of food from the dogs feet and the dog grabbed hold of his face. He had over one hundred stitches on his face.
Ya i felt sorry for the kid, But i felt even more sorry for the dog and it's owners. Obviously the kid didn't know what he was doing wasn't right, But again it go's back to the parents..My niece is only 3 years old and she has already been taught not to go around dogs that she doesn't know. This kid was about 11 years old living in a complex that had alot of big dogs, So where was the parenting.
It makes me sick when I read in the paper how some people treat there animals. So anybody that does abuse there dog..I prey they get what's coming to them.
I have a 5 month old German Sheppard Boarder Collie Cross, I don't even think about the fact that he could turn, even though there is a possibility. He was almost fully trained by the time he was 4 months old..when i walk him and parents are walking there kids..i encourage them to let thier kids approach my dog and pet him, You have to get your dog out and let him be around other people other than the people he lives with. The more you let your dog be around people..the more friendly the dog is gonna be. If people keep thier dogs locked up in the backyard all day..That's a form of abuse.
"To win any battle, you must fight as if you were already dead" -Musashi
Last edited by IC3; 01-25-2005 at 10:05 AM..