Celebrity Worship Can Drive You Insane!
As you know, I think there's nothing at all worthwhile about celebrities. After reading this, you'll probably claim you fit into the "mild worshipper" category. Sure, that's what they all say.
Celebrity Worship Causing Some To Go Crazy
May 15, 2003 - Wireless Flash, from NCBuy
LONDON (Wireless Flash) -- Being a celebrity follower has its advantages and its downfalls.
A recent study by psychologists in England and the U.S. found that "celebrity worship syndrome" can do a person good or bad.
They found that people who have mild celebrity worship are more outgoing, happy and optimistic.
But on the darker side, fans who follow celebrities for intense-personal reasons are likely to be more depressed and anxious, while those who demonstrate high levels of sociopathic celebrity worship "may well be solitary, impulsive, anti-social and troublesome."
Researchers say one girl slit her wrists and neck and slipped into a hot bath after she read her favorite musician got engaged.
It sounds scary, but Dr. John Maltby of the University of Leicester says celebrity worship isn't necessarily a bad thing. He explains, "like many other behaviors, over-indulgence in one thing may not always be good for you."
If you like and feel the need to defend your "entertainment", fine.
There's no need to place any value on the celebrities who deliver it to you. They are all one-trick ponies in the sensory circus.
As far as your entertainment needs are concerned, celebrities are a sort of necessary evil. They are simply the non-entities who deliver it to your perceptual apparatus. Watch them if you must. Ignore them if you can.
Anyone have some insights into this besides defending your personal guilty pleasures?
Feel free to inquire what my problem with celebrities really is.
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