I've only had one really bad neighbor and one really weird neighbor.
The bad neighbor and I shared a small gravel drive that split to our respective homes. After a few weeks he stopped me in the drive to tell me to 'slow the fuck down' (I was doing 'parking lot' speed, I didn't know how much more slow I could go.) About a week later he installed a chain link fence and gate around the drive way and put a lock on it. He informed me that my driving was 'the last fucking straw' and from now on I should honk and he'll come open the gate for me. I called the landlord (of both houses, by the way) followed by the cops, who made him take it down. A month later he called the cops on me as a suspected drug dealer. Seems I slept a lot during the day (I worked nights) strange cars came by and left (A bunch of us car pooled, they parked at my house sometimes) and the lights were always on through the night (I worked nights and stayed up when I wasn't working.) The cops were nice about it. A few months later the guy moves out leaving behind (and I kid you not) several industrial size dumpsters worth of trash in his house, the shed outside and his garage.
The weird one was more fun. He lived next to me in an apartment complex. He never came out, his mailbox was full of mail order catalogs, the UPS/FedEx guy was a regular and dinner delivery was the method du jour for this fellow. In the two years I lived there, I saw him twice. Once at 4:30 in the morning when he went to get his paper and twice when I knocked on the door to make sure the funky smell coming from his apartment wasn't the smell of rotting death.
No signature. None. Seriously.