Mr. Mephisto,
There are valid arguments to limit gun ownership, and there are ways to do it that most of us on both sides can agree upon.
But in all honesty, my dislike probably stems from a little of both.
I naturally dislike people who lie and manipulate to make a point, and when I feel that the person doing so are doing it for a cause that I feel is in the wrong, the dislike intensifies.
To draw another example, I strongly dislike those in Operation Rescue because I feel they lie and manipulate in order to further their cause, one which I feel at it's roots is immoral.
On the other hand, I have many friends that are on the pro-life side who do NOT lie and manipulate and can at least hold a civil discussion on the matter.
Back to MM, I see nothing but lies, half lies and manipulation as he tries to make his point, which is too bad.
He clearly is a talented film maker, and he clearly is passionate about his causes, but it seems like he also plays a "win at any costs game" where the ends justify the means, much like Operation Rescue does in their quest to "save babies".
So if MM stuck to facts (example, labeling the "from my cold dead hands" snippit as being another rally in NC and presenting the entire Heston speech), then I could at least respect him. But the way he twists things to demonizes his opponents means I can't respect him.
That he is against guns (and yes, I KNOW he says hunting is OK, but HUNTING is never mentioned in the 2nd), which I feel is a sine qua non of a free people, transforms it to hatred.
I'll also note that there are many here that are against guns, but that they can at least admit to the facts. One such example is those who agree that the Assault Weapons Ban was complete BS and that such guns are hardly a blip in the gun crime statistics.
Those people I can at least respect.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." – C. S. Lewis
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