In my present design, it'd work like dowsing, or pendling. I'm going to be doing a lot of research and practise into dowsing and the various forms it takes. If I can get a response from downsing instruments then I might have a chance of getting a response out of an alethiometer - this is why I want a very 'user-friendly' design. I want it to be simple to interface with. I don't know if i'll even need question hands. And just to make this clear - I will NOT be building any kind of device that resembles a watch, a compass, or any other 'handed' instrument. I'm still thinking about the design, and it will be based more on translating dowsing techniques than it will on the fiction by Pullman.
Yes, I'm serious. I have wandered into this stuff before, with modest success. To be honest, I don't like my chances, but hey, it's worth a shot.
ignorance really is bliss.