Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
An illiterate wandering child isn't gonna climb a fence that's marked "MINEFIELD." Everyone in the neighborhood would know about it;
"Dude, don't cross that fence or you'll get blown up!"
As for dogs, a dog would have to be working pretty hard to cross the kind of fence I have in mind.
As for "regulation," no I am not in favor of regulation ( in the modern sense. ) What I favor is allowing our Tort system to take care of things:
Case 1: A neighbor has a known, but unmarked, minefield. I ( his neighbor ) make it a point to put up signs to this effect. I will also call him a negligent fuckhead at every opportunity, preferably with witnesses. I could perhaps sue him for creating a hazard which lowered my property values, or for the inevitable squirrel-tripped mine which dented mt car, broke my windows, or bruised my Peach orchard.
Case 2: That same neighbors' minefield claims the life of an idiotic teenager who was TPing his house on Halloween Night. Since the minefield was not peoperly marked and fenced, it created conditions of Willful Negligence, and he can be punished: The family of the dead moron sues my neighbor, and he's also arrested, tried, and convicted of Manslaughter 1. Between the gigantic fine and the 15 year jail term, he's gonna get HAMMERED.
Case 3: My neighbor keeps a 4' wood-and-chainlink fence around his minefield, with signs every few yards saying "Warning! Minefield; Do Not Enter!" or some similar thing. A mornic burgaler, ignoring or not seeing the signs, crosses my neighbors yard and is obliterated. Big deal; clean the splatter off the walls and replace the divot.
Case 4: Another moronic teenager, TPing my neighbor from ( 4 ) on Halloween, ignores the signs and the fence, thinking they're a bluff or a prank. He is obliterated. This person obviously didn't need to pass on his genes; if you're gonna go traipsing through a fenced-in yard, clearly marked as containing landmines, you deserve whatever you get.