Science is a big part of modern society, and there really isn't a good spot to talk about it on TFP.
While many posts about Science itself can go into Politics, many scientific issues are rather tangental to the world of politics.
Knowledge seems somewhat reasonable, but it is apparently for asking questions from others with expertese, not discussing Science news. Philsophy works for some things (like cosmology etc), but not for others.
In particular, I noticed a link between two studies that had made it to the popular media, and wanted to comment on it. It really doesn't fit anywhere.
The post I wanted to make:
Two articles showed up. I find the two points very interesting:
Varki has been puzzled by the fact that some scientists over the years have reported detecting tiny amounts of Neu5Gc in humans. If, as Varki has found, the genetic machinery for making this sugar is broken beyond repair, how are they getting it? He and his researchers have spent several years attacking the problem. Their experiiments indicate that we pick up the sugars from the foods we eat--in particular beef and other meat from mammals. Our cells absorb the foreign Neu5Gc and stick them on their surfaces, alongside their normal Neu5Ac sugars. It's possible that their similarity fools our cells into making this mistake. This happens only rarely, but often enough that we develop antibodies to Neu5Gc. In other words, our bodies know that Neu5Gc is the enemy.
Eating a large amount of red meat has been linked to an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, scientists say.
Eating mammal meat apparently results in our cells adding Neu5Gc to their surface. Neu5Gc induces an immune response in humans. Eating mammal meat apparently causes an increased risk of an auto-immune desease, rheumatoid arthritis.
Where would I put such a post? =)