The English use of irony and sarcasm doesn't translate well to American audiences.
No offense, but American humour is generally non-cerebral. The networks cater to the masses, many of which don't want to think much for their giggles.
Anything 'different' doesn't do well with the ratings.
The UK television shows are a lot less ratings dependant for their survival and where a US show would be canned after 2 episodes, the UK show will last longer, allowing the characters to develop and the audience to see the real humour behind the show's premise. The characters have time to grow on the audience, whereas in the US they have to fight for your time and if the advertisers don't quite like it, then it's put out to pasture.
I think it might be successful, but it won't be the same. There's not really any hook to the show, but for Gervais's cringe-style of humour. Without it, it's just like watching people at work.