Originally Posted by Suave
Yakk, your argument that the chair exists whether or not someone is there to know that it exists is just one philosophical paradigm (word of the day!). The person with whom you were arguing may well be as correct in their assertion as you are in yours. The best explanation I can come up with, which I suppose fits somewhere in-between, is that while the chair (and by extension, colour and other "physical" phenomena) may exist without a conscious being able to perceive it, if there is no conscious being to perceive it or it is not being perceived by a conscious being, then there is no way to know whether or not it exists and the point becomes moot.
I never claimed the chair existed.
I claimed the blueness of the chair existed without someone seeing it just as much as the chair exists without someone knowing it is there.
I reduced the problem to another, known problem. I didn't draw a conclusion.
edit: And, this thread isn't about that other, known problem. So I left it at that.