one more time: a documentary film is an ARGUMENT ABOUT HOW THE WORLD SHOULD BE usually routed through a documentation of elements of what obtains at a given moment. it is NOT journalism...even if objectivity existed, they WOULD NOT BE objective....a documentary filmmaker's argument can be attacked at any number of levels, including error of interpretation of particular bits of data--in which case you are taking on the argument. complaining about moore--or anyone else who works in this film style--not adhering to "journalistic standards" is pointless.
pointing out that a film made by someone like moore operates "with an agenda" is to say the obvious. to imagine that the same is not true of journalists--whose genre is different, and who can and should be held to different standards--is naieve.
as for the claim that folk "from the left" (what is that exactly in these tremendously free united states?) "tolerate" more error from folk with whom they agree politically--i wonder what actual basis, if any, this works the numerous prior michael moore threads, my position has been the same as it is might take me for a representative of "the left" if you like....myself, and most of the people that you would probably understand as being on the left (what is that again?) i know are not fans of michael moore as a filmmaker. most prefer other films that make parallel argument. moore's films are never interesting as films. others are. i really dont know what you are talking about.
last note:
lebell--what i wrote earlier is what i meant--it was not about individual people who might at one point or another have used a gun to do something or another that you or i might approve of--what i was talking about was the attitude toward guns as the magic commodity, the guarantee of freedom and all that: you know, from that strange political space where nra and militia group rhetoric gets burred together.
a political attitude toward a particular object was what i was referring to. not every possible relation to that object.
and for the record, i am personally agnostic about gun control.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite
Last edited by roachboy; 01-23-2005 at 07:41 PM..