Originally Posted by Lebell
Glad to know that, because that is what many have been saying about Bush and the war in Iraq.
Also glad to see that you are admitting that Moore resorts to distortions when it suits him.
Of course there are substantially more than "a handful of cases".
I don't recall that this thread was about anything but Michael Moore, but since you feel compelled to bring in Bush, the war and everything else "in conservativeland", I'll make a bold assumption and say that either a) you only support distortion and spin when it is on the left or b) you support spin and are calling the right hypocrites because they only point out distortion and spin on the left.
If it is b), I agree that it is hypocritical to only point out spin on one side, but of course, I am not "a conservative" or "liberal".
As to the "lie lie lie", the actual lie was clearly pointed out. Or are you still denying that Moore purposefullly edited those snips to make a speech Heston didn't give?
Oh, I guess discussing MM's journalistic integrity isn't "meaningful debate" whereas your post is?
To me it is of fundamental importance to get accurate FACTS when attemping to to arrive at "informed decisions.
I've seen it argued repeatedly that BFC isn't about guns and I wish to point out, neither was my post, but you seem determined to bring them into it (must be connected somehow to "conservativeland".)
So be it.
Whether you like it or not, guns have been used to defend your right to say what you want and live how you like many times, including in the fine city of Philidelphia, home to the Continental Congress and many sons of liberty who shed their blood to secure your "rights".
While you might not agree to the current action, it ignores centuries of history to sneer at those who have taken up a gun to defend themselves and their country.
It is also extremely offensive as well.
IMO, Lebell, it would be disingenuous of you not to admit that your motive
for criticizing Moore was stoked as much by his Farenheit 9/11 "documentary", as it was about BFC. You demonstrate to me that you are
bothered much more by Moore's distortions, which seem to aggravate and
frustrate his detractors, and may mislead some of his viewers who choose solely his message to form opinions on the subjects he addresses, than you are by Bush and his appointees' spin that was intended to justify a war of aggression in Iraq.