Lets suppose the US goes into a war in which the US is harming itself more than it is helping itself.
Opposing that war is treasonous?
Being of the opinion that the US should not be engaged in any war in which it is currently fighting is Treasonous?
Any act by the government that is, in the governments position, advancing the US's cause in war, is Treasonous to oppose?
Attempting to politically defeat a government based on a platform of leaving a war is Treasonous?
I'm just wondering what soft of case you are argueing, given this:
The Democrats ran on the "Treason is Patriotic!" platform in 2004. This is proof that appeasement of our enemies is still somewhat in style.
By this, do you mean 49% of the USA should be put to death for Treason? Or are you restricting the death penalty to the leadership of the party which you disagree with?
You're asking me to prove a negative. Can you come up with a quote where Franklin was condemning Article III § 3?
I don't know if Ben Franklin was in favour or against A3S3 of the US constitution. And I'm not about to make shit up just to bolster my position.
It looks like you just made up the 'fact' that 'Ben Franklin had no problem with A3S3 of the USC'. Feel free to correct me if you actually have some evidence.
If I asserted he hated that section, you'd have ground to stand on. You don't.
Originally Posted by wnker85
Do YOU think the terrorists are hurting themselves?
I'm guessing "yes", they are hurting themselves, depending on what their goal is.
The US military foces are pretty hard targets. They are now attacking softer targets, like people supporting the US-backed government.
This probably looks far more negative to people trying to decide which side they should support.
At the same time, it will make people far more reluctant to work with the US in Iraq. Which fits most of the rebel's goals.