Cloning & Genetics: The Abortion-war is nothing compared to what is coming
Copyright, Trademarks and Patents: The Ownership of Thought
The Labour Problem: When Automation is Cheaper than a Living Wage
Alternative Energy, Peak Oil and Easter Island
The Morality of Suicide
What is Money?
The Calculus of War: Justice, Geopolitics and Game Theory
The Green Revolution: What went wrong?
Widerstehen den Anfängen: Does the "Slippery Slope" exist?
The Copenhagen Consensus: an analysis
The Three Oldest Games: which will win
What do we know?
"Expontential!" -- misuse of language in the media
Orders, Excuses and Obedience
The Tactical Situation: Differences between Iraq and Vietnam
The Canonization Process of Ronald Reagan
Gay Marriage: the current Constitutional status
Interstate Commerce, the Umbrella of Federal Power
Wars of Ideas and Wars on Ideas
Puritanism and Americanism
The Other Side: an exercise in media awareness
Eternal Life in Fiction, Religion and Science
Casualty Rate from a limited Nuclear War
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.