The MCATs are going to be the most difficult thing for you. With no biology / biochem background they're going to literally take months for you to prepare for, and remember that most med schools require earlier applications than other schools, so you really have to have them done by, at latest, the summer before your senior year. A good score on the MCATs can make up for just about anything, although I'd definitely tell you to pull up your GPA.'
SoccerChamp is also right... You HAVE to have at least most of the required courses if you're going to be able to make your case.
Just remember that there are osteopathic medical schools out there, and while they don't teach medicine the same as the classical medical institutions, you can still get an MD (or DO - Doctor of Osteopathy), and these schools are much easire to get in to. Just keep in mind that if your in a major city, suburban upscale area, or in the northeast or southern Cal, people will probably hold it against if you're a DO and not MD.