Originally Posted by daswig
The goal remains the same...the establishment by force of an Islamic state operating under Fundamentalist Islamic law world-wide, and the conversion of ALL people on Planet Earth to Islam, by the sword if necessary.
You live in a polar world when the alternative to engaging in recreational torture and war crimes is the only alternative to bowing down to a radical theocratic state. Frankly, i think such rhetoric is inflammatory, and false.
You don't win a war by being nice. It's CONFIRMED that some of the people we released from Gitmo are already back in the field against us. We had strong reasons to think they were Al Queda, but not enough evidence to prove it, so we released them, and they're killing us to show their gratitude for our "civilized" behavior.
Confirmed? Do i smell sources?
If you'd ever been in uniform, you'd understand that there are two kinds of people.
I'm glad i don't think there are two kinds of people. Plenty of people do...they just happen to often do nasy things. The terrorists do. Can you think of other people who thought there are good and bad people, with no middle ground and no reason to treat the enemy humanely? I can.
Serious dualism, such as what you espouse, allows a person to dehumanize their oppositition. And that's when the real horrors start.