The Zalman is good. You might think about getting the Al-Cu version, though; it is almost half the weight, and does almost as good a job at cooling (+2 degrees C maximum). But whatever you do, you *have* to measure the area around the CPU first, and compare the results with Zalman's requirements. There are a lot of motherboard/case combinations that simply don't have enough room for those coolers.
As for the Hyper6... it's good, it's heavy, and it's huge. Oh, and it's HEAVY, almost 1 Kg of metal, where the official maximum is 450 grams... If you do put it in, make sure you always carry your computer on it's side when moving it around; if not, the results can be catastrophic. The same goes for that Zalman-7000 cooler, by the way; even if they weigh less.